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Forbidden Desert
I’ve never played Forbidden Island. It looked fun, but, frankly, a bit simplistic. I don’t think it would have quite been enough for anybody in my gaming group. We enjoy Pandemic quite a bit, as it has a bit more complexity, but that game is a bit too intimidating to teach people who aren’t familiar with gaming, I’ve found.
So I requested Forbidden Desert, my wife acquiesced, and here we are. Having played a few games now, I’ve come to a few conclusions. First, the game looks pretty simple. You’ve got your desert tiles, you’ve got your sand, you’ve got your pawns. The first few turns go by pretty quick and simple, but then, suddenly, the game takes a turn and the complexity ramps up. This is tied directly to the storm “ramping up”- you flip more cards each turn as the game progresses, the storm moves around a bunch, more sand piles on, etc., etc.
Of course, this is where a lot of the fun comes in. The early game is a bit simple, but it doesn’t last very long, so by the time you have a turn or two under your belt, the game auto-compensates for it. Because of this complexity, I don’t think I’ve ever felt like I’ve had an obvious, correct move (except when I’m standing directly on top of a piece needed to win). There is always some thinking required to maximize your moves.
Overall, I like it because of this gradual ramping-up process. I’m a bit worried that the increase in complexity will make it difficult to teach to younger players (That’s one of the reasons I picked this game), but it still manages to engage players that would grow bored fairly quickly if the game stayed the same.
The game has all of the pros and cons of a cooperative game, which might sell you or warn you away from this game, but I’ll leave that to others to discuss.
TL;DR- Starts simple, increases difficulty as game continues, makes for a challenge even for more experienced gamers.