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Geek Out!

Trivia? Love it, but it can be difficult to review or recommend. Fun, but with a set ‘shelf-life’. Only so many plays before the same questions start coming up; hurting replay value. Here is the brilliance of Geek Out!, there isn’t a ‘right’ answer; only accepted ones. Geek Out is a blend of trivia, Name That Tune, and game-night debates. Convinced you know more about animal themed super-heroes than your friends? Time to prove it! Take turns rolling for category deciding minimum bid and topic. For example, Two Animal Themed Super Heroes; now comes Geek Out’s twist. You can agree to that number OR you can bid higher, then everyone will have a chance to do the same until everyone is out and the highest bidder must deliver on their geeky bragging. Can you outbid, out-geek or outwit your friends through a combination of knowledge and strategic bluffing? If the high bidder manages to name the promised quantity, they get the card (worth 1 point) and the bragging rights. If, however, their bidding bests their brains, they get a Penalty Chip (worth -2 points) making more work for themselves. The official rules suggest playing to 5 points, but you can adjust as you see fit for longer or shorter play. If time is a factor, you can also play ‘marathon’ style; set a timer and see who can get the most points before the bell. Get the determined point total and hold your head high; you’ve out geeked your foes! Play or Nay: Quality: Cards are a bit on the cheap side. Not unheard of in the genre but with so few components and most being cards, it is notable. NAY Ease: Setup is basically just opening the box, play is quick to get into. Perfect for a party game. PLAY Fun w/ Friends: Great for any number of people. Teams are best with more than 8. PLAY Fun for One: Not made for solo play, but I’ve been known to challenge myself with cards in downtime. PLAY Value: Coming in under the 20 dollar mark, with mechanics that lend themselves to greater replayability. PLAY Overall: We don’t know about you, but arguing about nerdy things is a large portion of our day anyway. Add in that I can do so and maybe win? Don’t mind if I do! PLAY Pros:

Lends itself to replayability thanks to bidding mechanic
Engages all players with bidding and challenging answers
Easy to set up and clean, as a party game should be


Group Dynamics can make or break the fun, best with nerdy but amicable groups that are looking to have fun, not ‘rule lawyer’ their way to victory.

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