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Go to the Pandemic: Contagion page
13 out of 15 gamers thought this was helpful

I think it is a fun game and a unique way to play the opposite of it’s big brother, Pandemic. For one, it’s a much lighter, but it’s still pretty good and much shorter. It is also a great follow after losing to the diseases in Pandemic.

I’ve heard some compare the game to Smash Up, but I think this is an unfair comparison because this game is so different. It has one mechanic that is similar, but that’s all. In Contagion, you can mutate your disease and make it stronger helping to infect more cities and score more points.

I’m also confused why some who are turned off by the dark subject matter. I know disease is no laughing matter, but I hope these same people don’t play video games where you shoot people. It’s a game. Not reality.

I’d recommend this to anyone is a casual gamer or gamers who don’t mind playing casual games. If you are into heavy, strategy games only, you probably won’t be interested in this game.

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