This is a well-stocked, inviting establishment that hosts scheduled and new game playing. They recently included a Sci-fi and Fantasy book club, game demo, and game board auction to their comprehensive list of services.

Games and Stuff
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I’m sure like most game store owners–these guys are gamers too. Their willingness to explore, learn, play, interact with others new and familiar, and have fun comes through in spades both in person and through their website content. Be sure to visit if you’re in town.
I’ve not been to the new location yet, but I used to go and run demo games of Battlestations at the old location. They staff has always been helpful and friendly in accommodating our games.
I met and spoke with the owners at the recent GAMA in Las Vegas, and they’re more than willing to let me come in and run demos of both Tide of Iron: Next Wave and Cross Hares: Testing Ground when they come out.
I highly recommend this store to folks in the Baltimore area.
I grew up going to this store and while its been years since having been there I still miss the place. One of the best stores I have ever had the pleasure of going to.
Each month G&S has a featured event called RPG Lab; you commit to four Tuesday evenings in the month and you get to try out a different RPG each month. It’s $20, but you get all four sessions (and they run about 2 hours each).
I have it on good authority that the May RPG Lab will feature The Lone Wolf Adventure Game (as seen here on the site). Here’s your chance to come and try it out and rack up a few plays as well…
Every year on Black Friday there is a huge Game-A-Thon and a sale! This is a day of great gaming with friends and raising money for charity! The event kicks off at 8 AM and runs until 3 AM! It usually sells out and tickets are on sale now.
Game-A-Thon provides 2 meals (lunch and dinner) and snacks all day. It is a $40 ticket and the cost raises money for charity. This year we are raising money for House of Ruth, a local women’s shelter. There will also be gift wrapping available for a donation to the charity.