You are an apprentice to a great sushi master, and you have spent the last ten years honing your skills in preparation for this day— your final test before earning the title of expert chef: Itamae-San.
Sushi is about culinary expertise, and you must always strive to master your skills while serving an array of vivid colors, mouthwatering tastes, and creative combinations. The test will be difficult. You must compete against the other hopefuls, all working in the same confined area to produce recipes of varying complexity. Only one of you will earn the respect of your teacher, and the revered title of Itamae-San!
User Reviews (4)
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I got this game because my wife likes sushi and is a non gamer. Theme is a very important component to lure her into playing a game. She was excited to see all of the components, but when the rules were explained to her she was, “what does that have to do with sushi?”.
This is a good Tetris style tile laying game and the components are fun, but the theme is pretty much pasted on. I think that this is a good, but not great game.
This game is a must have for any gamer that wants to have a great gateway game that might help “those type” friends that would rather not game.
Filled with fun, the theme and game play is terrific. You actually feel like your making sushi! The game is very simple to learn and is great for family fun (kick out those ameri-trash games) and give Wasabi a spot in your game collection!
In Wasabi! players need to balance speed and style to complete the most well-executed and aesthetically-pleasing sushi menu. The players are competing sushi students trying to prove to their sensei that they are the most talented and worthy to take the mantle of master of your lineage.
Each player shares a pantry stocked full of tasty, exotic ingredients as well as a kitchen with the tools and techniques needed to perform to their fullest potential. They will navigate food shortages, wasabi spills and the talents and machinations of each other to complete recipes.
Don’t forget young grasshopper, that you have recipes of varying difficulty and length. It will not impress your sensei if you complete all the simple recipes or if you go only after the most difficult recipes and ignore the basics. You need to spread your talents out over all of them in order to win.
Read the full review over at Troll in the Corner
Great theme… check. Great visual design… check. Interesting play… meh. This had such promise, but just didn’t deliver for me.