OK Play
With nothing but four stacks of coloured tiles, it’s no wonder why OK Play is regarded as the world’s easiest to understand game. Don’t let that fool you though - whilst this game takes minutes to learn, it takes ages to master.
The rules are simple: using your stack of tiles, you try to make a line of five before any of your opponents can. Each tile must line up with the flat side of another (no placing corners on corners) and can go horizontally, vertically or diagonally. If you manage to use all of your tiles and there’s still no winner, you can reposition them one at a time.
Whether you’re from Albania or Zambia, speaking in Urdu or Zulu or playing against a rabbi or a Jedi, OK Play can go anywhere and be played by anyone, with anyone (even if you can’t understand a word the other person is saying).
OK Play is definitely the easiest-to-learn game we’ve ever made, but the hardest to win.
It’s a bit like an off-road connect four but for 2 to 4 players. There is no board, so you can go off in random directions, and if you run out of tiles you can reposition them.
OK Play — take it anywhere, play with anyone.
NOTE: The first edition of the game had 21 tiles in each of four colors. The current version has 15 in each color.
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