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This week’s Explorable Favorites (Dec 15)

Posted by Account Deletion {Family Gamer} | 15-Dec-14 | 18 comments

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This Week’s Explorable Games

This round of Explorable Favorites is from member Ramenhotep. The games selected from their Favorites shelf were:

These games will be explorable until next Monday, December 22nd.

After you’ve explored these games, let us know what you think about them in the comments below!

Comments (18)

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Red and Blue Jelly Killer,

There is no way for a user to change the title, short of deleting the entire post and staring a new entry. In general the annoying spelling error ends up being preferable as you’d lose any votes you’ve received (I have a number of titles I’d like to change and went over this with Jim in the past).

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Miniature Painter
Rosetta Stone
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Fiddlesticks. I just realized I misspelled the word “fulfill” in the title of my Battle Line review. I know how to edit the body of the review, but cannot see a way to edit the title.

Anyone know if this is possible?


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This is so cool! I love POX and Battle Line. Battle Line has to be my favorite two player game… until you lose a single card and then it’s unplayable.

@Andy: Doing Battle Line puzzles is a fantastic idea!

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@BitBot It’s fine silly billy. It’s not like those willy nillies were higgledy piggledy. If they were herky jerky, I’d tell you to turn off the hurdy gurdy.

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I apologize again, profusely.


Oh no you didn’t!

Great. Now I have more apologizing to do.

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Marquis / Marchioness

I feel this may be the time to point out that one needs to be careful, especially this time of year as:

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo.

Also, Battle Line is a pretty cool game. It strikes me as one where you could have puzzles in a newspaper or game magazine asking, given a certain setup, what card could be played to where that allows you to claim different flag.

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This is giving me the heebies followed closely by their friend and travelling companion: the jeebies

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Marquis / Marchioness

You all are getting way too loosey goosey with the “willy nilly”

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I do not believe that I use willy nilly willy nilly, but I now realize I use it more than I was previously aware. My concern is that I may in fact being using willy nilly willy nilly and, because I am in fact using willy nilly willy nilly, I don’t realize I am doing so.

I apologize to everyone for this post.

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B&B Massacre,

The main concern should be whether you’re using willy nilly willy nilly. If you focus on focused uses of willy nilly and don’t go around using it willy nilly, you’re good.

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I still use “willy nilly” all the time. Especially with the kids. lol

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Always good to get recommendations for good 2-player games. Battle Lines looks like a great game to add to the wife-and-I list!

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Thanks for the new explorables! I think POX might be a game that even my family (card game oriented) could get into. 😀

Battle Line looks interesting but I am curious if there are any games similar to this but for more players? My husband and I play a lot of games with families that have kids so shorter games, like this one but for more players, are ideal.

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I agree with your assessment of Battle Line. You cannot just throw cards down willy nilly. Since you have to outscore your opponent for each flag in question, you need to use a certain amount of subterfuge with each troop set you are building. Ultimately, you don’t want you opponent to know what you are doing so they use cards that can beat your intended group in other troop formations.


I just re-read my review and I used the words “willy nilly” in the same context I did here. Who says willy nilly? Other than me, I mean.

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Like @Bit, I can only fill in half of the request – but it’s the other half. @Bit’s information about Chaos Marauders is correct – but your battle lines almost always go longer. In the few dozen times I’ve played, I’ve never seen anyone close a line with less than 5 units in it – and you’re usually going for 9 to 11 units. So if Battle Line is a 3-unit game, this should be very different.

A general impression: Chaos Marauders is a… well… chaotic game. You’re way out in the lead one minute then dead last the next. Things bounce around erratically for an hour or so (in a 4-player game) until somebody completes their 3rd battle line and scores are tallied. Battle Line seems like a more stable and strategy-driven game to me.

Just my thoughts. I do enjoy Chaos Marauders quite a bit for nights when I don’t want to think much, but still want to have some fun.

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Rosetta Stone
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I have not played Chaos Marauders, but a read through of the rulebook leads me to believe there are certainly some similarities. However, Battle Line appears less complex than Chaos Marauders and is two player only.

One of the big differences I notice between the two is that in Battle Line, there is just one line, and each player plays on one side of it trying to capture a flag by beating their opponent’s combo of (usually) three cards. Your troop placement is complete when you have three cards in that troop. Win conditions are capturing three flags right next to one another or any five.

In Chaos Marauders, it looks like you can have more or less than three cards that must be book-ended by two specific cards. Once complete, that battle line may attack any of an opponent’s incomplete battle lines, where as troop battles in Battle Line are essentially contests between two troops across one another for the flag between them.

Hope that helps some!

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Stone of the Sun

To anyone who has played Battle Line; Do you know how similar it is to Chaos Marauders (second edition)? I’d be curious to know if they felt very similar and if one was worth getting over the other and any relevant thoughts.

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