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Private eye

Silbin Thane

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56 out of 110 gamers thought this was helpful

What I like about this game is your involvement is entirely up to you. If you want to buy everything it has to offer and go full throttle you can. If you want to spend very little and casually play that can be done as well. Although it’s easy to learn it is complicated enough to make it challenging. I would say the complexity falls exactly in the middle between checkers and chess. One of the cool things about most LCGs is you can buy the core set and begin play, but I find this one can stand alone better than the others. Another great aspect is it is still somewhat new so if you are the type to buy all the expansions you can still do so within a reasonable amount of time and budget. The creators of this LCG are very involved and every expansion has been met with outstanding reviews by reviewers and players alike!!

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