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Forbidden Island

57 out of 72 gamers thought this was helpful

I started my adventure with coop board games with Pandemic. A bigger, more advanced older sister of the „Forbidden Island“. Therefore I had quite a trouble in convincing my „better half“ to share the experience with me – its to diffcult… to many rules… she used to say.

I decided to buy the Forbidden Island. Only for her, just to show her how fun a coop game can be. And boy she got sucked in… right now we not only play Pandemic, but also heavier titles like Robinson Crusoe.

For this text to also be a review, I have to add one statement – I also had a great time with this title. Up till now, when we need a light, quick game especially with some non-gamer friens, Forbidden Island lands on the table. Its simple, encourage to some limited brainstorming and interaction.

You just need to answer the questions – „what do I need this game for? why am I buying it?“. With that in mind go, purchase and enjoy ☺

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