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Mama T

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Star Fluxx

87 out of 138 gamers thought this was helpful

Star Fluxx is my families favorite Fluxx game. The theme is fun and well done. The Creepers attaching to the Keepers is different from the other Fluxx games we’ve played. (Mechanical Keepers can malfunction, anything with an organic brain can get a brain parasite, and everything can be evil!) The actions are interesting and the surprises are good.

Overall, it’s fun, funny, and you have a little more power over this game than the average Fluxx game.

My family has played it more times than I can count.

Go to the Zombie Fluxx page

Zombie Fluxx

53 out of 104 gamers thought this was helpful

We’ve had a lot of fun with this game and replayed it a few times. It’s the kind of game that’s great to whip out at a party. Quick to learn, anyone can win, and pretty crazy.

There are a ton of zombies in the game and no surprises, which is a little different from other Fluxx games I’ve played (Monty Python, Pirate, Star). But the zombies can, without much trouble be deterred or even become you minions (hello Zombie boss).

Looking forward to pulling this game out at the next family get together.

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