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Mel B

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Smash Up

43 out of 59 gamers thought this was helpful

Bought this game sight unseen at GenCon 2012. I tried it out that night and it was extremely easy to learn and fun. The game is extremely easy to pick up for anyone of any age. While I was at GenCon everyone was telling me that different combinations were the broken ones. As I played the game more I found that most combinations were actually pretty fairly balanced and a game could go anyway depending on the bases that popped up and the cards drawn. It has a high replay value too since there are 8 different factions and you’ll want to play with and against all the combinations! I highly recommend this game to try out with your friends or your family. Pick up a second copy to add more people to your game or make factions play against each other.

P.S. Dinosaurs always need laser beams

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