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Small World

42 out of 51 gamers thought this was helpful

SW is an area control / variable player power board game with 14 armies with 20 special power modifiers that supports 2 to 5 players, ideally at 3/4 players clocking in at 75 minutes. Requires minimal gaming experience; mechanically shares concepts with Risk but the “hook” of the game are the races with ability modifiers which provides distinct armies over many iterations of play. This can be a double-edge sword as new players will be referencing the manual often to review each armies abilities and bonuses. AP (analysis paralysis) is limited to army selection as the area control phase is straightforward…like Risk.

Primarily gaming with my 6-year old, this game is currently the flavor of the past two months – art is definitely appealing for the family gamers and the variable-power mechanic is the major plus. We can easily play a game in 40 minutes. Luckily, Daddy gamer is able to navigate Junior gamer through the “Can my Dragon Master / Elves attack your Flying Halfings if it has a Hole-in-the-Ground marker; Hold on, let me check the rules…”….it happens but not too often. I also highly recommend the Cursed/Dames/Be Not Afraid expansions – adds even more armies. Underground is still waiting to be unboxed.

Highly recommended if you are looking variable-power, family oriented, “got an hour to kill before bedtime and I don’t want junior bugging me about playing my iPad or Xbox” game.

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Neuroshima Hex!

108 out of 141 gamers thought this was helpful

NH is a tactical abstract with 4 variable power armies that plays distinctively and can be finished under 45 minutes with 2 players. Supports up to 4 players but I believe it is ideal with 2 players. May require minimal experience with hex wargames and understanding concepts like range/melee, initiative and line of sight. My 6 year-old started with Heroscape and easily transitioned into this game.

The main hook of the game is its quick turnaround and the distinctive playstyles of the different armies. AP (analysis paralysis) is limited to unit selection (generally, you choose 2 pieces after drawing 3) and unit placement (board is pretty small). Expansions add to replay-ability

We actually shelved the physical game in favor of the tablet version (our #1 “find-a-bench-while-the-wife-shops” game) so if you are looking to quickly scratch a hex-n-counter tile placement itch, I would highly recommend NH.

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