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29 out of 42 gamers thought this was helpful

Don’t get me wrong, I think this game is pretty enjoyable, but I just find everything happening before the haunt rather tedious. More games then I can imagine, people have gotten obliterated in the beginning half (before the haunt) making them useless during the haunt (the main part of the game in my opinion).

All that set aside, I am absolutely pleased with the many, many different options of haunts and the crazy different stories these haunts include. I like how they tend to keep the traitor to be somewhat balanced against the adventurers and overall is fun to both all gang up on a friend or destroy all of them.

I personally found the scenario where there is an alien that is unknown throughout all of us secretly trying to turn the rest of us into aliens before we concocted the potion(?) to save us from turning into one. It caused a lot of mystery and suspicion and an overall fun time.

I will always suggest to play this with my regular board gaming group and newcomers.

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