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69 out of 90 gamers thought this was helpful

I was very excited about playing this game. I love Sim City and strategy games in general. I played with my game night group a few days ago, and I was amazed at how well this game reflects actual city planning (or at least what I know of city planning from Sim City). My friends all jumped out to a huge lead over me, but I had a plan. I know that growing too quickly can easily kill a growing city, and I trusted that slow and deliberate growth would win out. I was so right! By the 5th round or so, my friends cities were overpopulated and were going bankrupt.

This game offers a lot of variety due to randomization of building that are available, and the time between turns is amazingly short. I liked this game very much!

Go to the The Settlers of Catan page
20 out of 38 gamers thought this was helpful

My most recent life goal is to convert my social circle to loving board games. Unfortunately, this has been a challenge. Most of my friends and family think board games are either kids games like clue or trouble or trivia based party games like Cranium. I recently picked up Settlers in hopes of using it to introduce them to a new caliber of game. After playing with my wife and a straw person the other night, I couldn’t be happier. My wife, who doesn’t get into games at all, had a blast. She picked it up extremely quickly and ended up winning. We can’t wait to play again.

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