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Justin Blaske

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Forbidden Island

36 out of 56 gamers thought this was helpful

Every single person I’ve introduced this game to has had a really good time, and considered buying it for themselves, which is a win for the whole board gaming community!

This game teaches in about 1 minute to any experienced gamer, and in less than 5 to any non-gamer.

The rules are so simple! You can do 3 things, anything you do counts as a thing done. What things can you do? Move, Shore-up, Trade, Get Relic. That’s it! It’s so simple!

And yet the game is not an easy game! I’d say I’ve seen an even 50/50 split with wins/losses on this game and love that it’s not always an easy win or auto loss, which can be hard to avoid in co-op games.

I’ve been playing this game a lot with my 4 year old son, and he gets the rules and really gets into the game, I rarely have to correct any actions he takes. Such a great game for introducing the little ones to the hobby as well.

Way to go Gamewright!

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