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Go to the The Big Bang Theory Party Game page
14 out of 22 gamers thought this was helpful

I bought this for a friend of mine, who is a big fan of the show. It was quite fun in the beginning, but after a while we just sort of got bored. The replay value isn’t that great. I would have preferred a little more thought in to the game.
We played it a couple of times and my friend really loved it as a gift. You really have to be a fan of the show to really get something out of it or else it will feel like a never-ending, ever-repeating sample of already know jokes and puns.
In theory it would have been a fun game, in reality it just didn’t do it for us.

It was a definite disappointment.

Go to the Small World page

Small World

29 out of 57 gamers thought this was helpful

Definitely is!

A game which is so easy to learn. Yet so fun and has great elements of strategy. I had no problems learning this game and that says a lot, since it usually takes me a couple of tries before I get right.
I recently played this game with a group of friends who didn’t know the rules – they caught on pretty quick and soon it became a game night favorite!

If you’re looking for something that simple, but somewhat challenging (especially when you consider all possibilities of the special abilities and races), this is the game for you. Play it with friends or family.

There are boards for two players, three and up to five – or six if you have the Necromancer expansion! 😉

Go to the Small World Realms  page
7 out of 17 gamers thought this was helpful

I’ve been playing this game for a little while now and I must say, it exceeded my expectations. I’ve had great fun while playing and had some really fantastic game nights playing just Small World with all the expansions.
I’ve tried almost all expansions. My boyfriend just got realms, so I’m really loooking forward to that, since the possibility of playing both underground and the regular set, makes it much more advanced. Suddenly what you thought was a simple strategy game becomes a whole lot more than that.
I definitely recommend this to anyone looking for a game everyone would be interested in playing on a game night! Fits all sizes and ages! 😉

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