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Amateur Reviewer
Review 3 games and receive a total of 40 positive review ratings.
Go to the Elder Sign page
Go to the The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game page
Go to the Agricola page
Go to the Rune Age page
Go to the Thunderstone page
Go to the Runewars page
Go to the Power Grid page

Power Grid

44 out of 103 gamers thought this was helpful

One of the defining Euro games, this not only has great interaction, it’s incredibly tense. There is a high “screwage” factor for a game from a German. From outbidding on that coveted power plant, to stockpiling coal, few friendships are forged over Power Grid, and I’m sure a few have been broken.

Go to the Runewars page


4 out of 45 gamers thought this was helpful

FFG have learned from other DoaM games, and have produced a well-crafted, deep, engaging game.

Go to the Thunderstone page


6 out of 24 gamers thought this was helpful

Thunderstone owes much to Dominion, but adds a whole lot, too. With three types of currency instead of the one in Dominion, you get a lot more options. Add on top a tight solitaire game, and Thunderstone is a winner.

Go to the Rune Age page

Rune Age

5 out of 41 gamers thought this was helpful

Yes, building your deck is core to Rune Age, but there is so much more to playing the game than just building your deck. You need to balance when to attack your enemies, or attack the scenario in order to win.

Go to the The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game page
37 out of 89 gamers thought this was helpful

This game is nothing but brutal. Linear resource collection and limited card drawing make this really hard to establish yourself before the game starts pounding you into the dirt.

Go to the Agricola page


32 out of 79 gamers thought this was helpful

This is a great, deep game, offering great interaction in the multi-player game, and a strong, difficult puzzle in the solitaire game.

Go to the Dominion page


62 out of 129 gamers thought this was helpful

Dominion brought us a whole new genre of game and mechanic, but the expansions are just treading water, where other games are making intelligent use of the deck-building mechanic.

Go to the Ticket to Ride page

Ticket to Ride

22 out of 63 gamers thought this was helpful

Easy-to-learn, non-threatening theme, bright and colorful. This is the prototypical gateway game.

Go to the Ascension page


24 out of 48 gamers thought this was helpful

Low-interaction deck building game like Dominion, but it is a much more tactical game, where Dominion is strategic in nature. Feels a lot less scripted because of this tactical nature.

Go to the 7 Wonders page

7 Wonders

31 out of 118 gamers thought this was helpful

I don’t see why everyone gushes over this math exercise disguised as a game. There is no soul to this game, and absolutely no interaction with any other players.

Go to the Black Gold page

Black Gold

63 out of 83 gamers thought this was helpful

As usual, FFG makes great components, but the game play is what makes this game. Build your oil empire by skillfully exploring the territory and bidding better than your opponents for the rights to sell your oil for the most money.

Go to the Roll Through the Ages page
59 out of 98 gamers thought this was helpful

Great, quick civ-building game with great push-your-luck thrills.

Go to the Through the Ages page

Through the Ages

52 out of 138 gamers thought this was helpful

A civilization-building game with too much emphasis on military power, and too much down time between turns.

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